Friday, March 14, 2008

... and it was good.

Posted here

I grew up surrounded by Young Earth Creationists. As a kid, I read the anti-Darwinist books. Most Creationism is anti-Darwinist instead of positive ~ errors, hoaxes, flaws in evolutionary science means that evolution does not happen and thus the Bible is true and Yahweh created the world much as it is today 6,000 years ago.

Well, here's the deal ~ I'm still Christian. But I no longer see the conflict. What you have here are really two people with different sources of information. You hear Dawkins and other modernists railing against pre-modernists. But from a post-modernist perspective there is no conflict ~ they can both be right.

I will agree that most scientific evidence supports an old earth and biological evolution. I will also agree that the Bible says God created the world in six days. The Hindus say it's all a dream. The Norse say we're under the skull of a giant.

I happen to adhere to the Christian worldview. But I do see value in other systems, including science. Science's creation myth is the same as anybody else's.

The Buddha replied to a question about our origins with a famous parable of the man shot with an arrow and taken to the doctor's. "But before you do anything," he said, "I want to know about the arrow, what kind of wood is it? Who made it? What is his family like?" The man died because he asked too many questions. What matters is not where we come from but where we're going.

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