Saturday, February 2, 2008

Monsanto Tries to Force-Feed Consumers rBGH

(From my local food co-op paper)

The good news is that a critical mass of dairies and supermarket chains are banning Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone, bowing to consumer pressure. The genetically engineered cow hormone is banned in most industrialized nations, due to its negative health impacts on cows and cancer risks to humans, but Monsanto, the manufacturer of the drug, is apparently still determined to force-feed rBGH to U.S. consumers.

Under pressure from Monsanto, the notoriously pro-agribusiness Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) has recently announced new regulations outlawing the labeling of dairy products as rBGH-free. The twisted rationale for the ruling is that truthfully labeling dairy products as rBGH-free is "making it hard for consumers to make informed decisions." In other words allowing consumers freedom of choice is bad for Monsanto's profits, and the profits of Pennsylvania's factory-style dairy feed-lots who continue to inject their animals with the drug. PDA listed 16 companties that were required to remove rBGH-free labels by December 31, 2007. Monsanto is also working to pass similar anti-consumer laws in other states. The Organic Consumer Association plans to join their allies to stop this latest episode of biotech bullying.

For more information, see

From Zoe: Please make sure you know where your food comes from. Stick to organic foods only and contemplate going partially (ovo-lacto) or fully vegetarian (Vegan). Animal farming, particularly industrial animal farming, is hurting our planet and our health.

Update: Apparently, due to massive public outcry, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture has withstood Monsanto and made regulations for allowing dairies to label their milk as being produced without genetically-engineered hormones [story].

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